Use Cases

AFR serves as more than just a medium of exchange;
it's a gateway to financial inclusion and opportunity. Here are the key use cases of the Africanium token

Low-Cost Transactions:

$AFIN enables users to conduct transactions with minimal fees, making it an affordable alternative to traditional remittance services. Whether you're sending money to family or conducting business transactions, AFR ensures that more of your funds reach their intended destination.

Access to Premium Features

Holding Africanium coin $AFIN grants you access to premium features within the Africanium platform. Unlock advanced financial tools, personalized educational resources, and enhanced user experiences to enrich your financial journey.

Staking and Rewards

Participate in our staking program to earn rewards by holding and staking AFR tokens. By contributing to the platform's growth, you'll be rewarded for your commitment and engagement.

Community Governance

(Future Implementation)

As Africanium coin evolves, $AFIN holders may have the opportunity to participate in platform governance. Your tokens could give you a voice in decisions that shape the platform's future.

Distribution of Tokens


Token Name: Africanium coin $AFIN
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 $AFIN






CEX Listing.


Founders and Team

Token Features

Anti-whale &
Anti Dump

Auto yield and
liquidity generation

Burnable &
Not Mintable

Customize fees taken
to reward holders

Charge fees for
buying and selling

Audited by Dexsale,
Certik Audit Certification

Liquidity locked for 1 years

Auto Yield and Liquidity Generation

Auto Yield:

Tokens employing auto yield typically redistribute a portion of the transaction fees back to existing holders. This is done proportionally based on the amount of tokens each holder owns. It encourages users to hold onto their tokens for longer periods.

Liquidity Generation

A portion of the transaction fees is often used to add liquidity to the trading pool on decentralized exchanges. This helps to enhance the token's liquidity, contributing to more stable and efficient trading.

Customizable Fees to Reward Holders

The developers set specific percentages of each transaction that will be allocated to reward holders. This allows for flexibility in adjusting the reward system based on the token's goals and community preferences. Charge Different Fees for Buying or Selling:

Customizable Fees to Reward Holders

Tokens can implement different transaction fees for buying and selling. For instance, a higher fee might be charged for selling, discouraging frequent selling and encouraging users to hold their tokens for longer durations.